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imabari english guide

Shimanami Cycle Oasis Information


Shimanami Cycle Oases are located along the Shimanami Kaido for cyclists.
Bicycle-pumps and water to your bottle and restrooms are available.
Provided services may differ at each Oasis.Please visit the Shimanami Cycle Oasis
website to details.
Shimanami Cysle Oasis HP http://www.cycle-oasis.com/

Shimin-no-Mori Park


Flowers fo all four seasons,such as azalea,tree peony,cherry blossoms and Wisteria,is welcome you as a healing spot. There is a botanical garden,
a natural forest. walking trail and walking trail and observatory.

Itoyama Park


The park is on Mt.Itoyama(altitude 97m)at the foot of the Kurushima Kaikyo Bridges.
The observatory offers a view of the Kurushima Straits,ehich ha one of three fastest currents in japan.
(at a maximum speed of 10 knots),and archipelagos in the Seto Island Sea.

Tokoro Museum Omishima


A moden sculpure museum.
ranging from pop works to substantal objective sculpures,
give you a sence of the supreme pleasure when viewing a bright
sunfit Seto inland sea.

2362-3 Urado Omishimacho Imabari

Itoyama Park


The park is on Mt.Itoyama(altitude 97m)at the foot of the Kurushima-Kaikyo Bridges.

The observatory offers a view of the Kurushima Straits, which has one of three fastest

currents in japan and archipelagos in the Seto Inland Sea.

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