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imabari english guide

Imabari Castle


This is a very unique castal castle built by Todo in 1602,

surrounded by moats filled with seawater.


¥500  for adults   ¥250 for students



Imabari Area Guide


Shikoku  is Japan’s fourth largest island, southwest of Japan’s main island Honshu.

True to its name, Shikoku is divided into four prefectures.

Imabari City is the northeastern part of Ehime pref.

Imbabari is widely kown for its Towel and Shipbuilding industries.

Now, Many tourists from home and abroad enjoy cycling along the scenic

Shimanami-Tobishimaarea, as a Cyclist’s Mecca.

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ノベルティ、販促グッズの販促品流通センター トイレ・便器のリフォームの生活堂 合宿免許のISコンサルティング 国際ホテル JAおちいまばり
株式会社しまなみ KOMATSU 休暇村 ヤヨイ 有限会社エムジーエム
つぼ吉 タオルプリントの黒田工藝 SUS
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